Andrei Gorbatenko, Music Director and Orchestral Instruction at San Francisco Academy Orchestra, maintains a schedule of conducting, teaching, recording, touring, and performing orchestral and chamber music. Booking now!
San Francisco Academy Orchestra, Édouard Nanny (Dragonetti), Andrei Gorbatenko as conductor

Andrei Gorbatenko’s Professional Orchestral Instruction
Andrei Gorbatenko Music Director has written numerous education programs for the San Francisco Academy Orchestra, including an unprecedented graduate program in orchestral studies.
The program, designed to be administered by an orchestra rather than a brick and mortar conservatory, focuses on the practical skills necessary to prepare for auditions and a career in orchestral music.
Coursework includes weekly lessons, excerpt classes, master classes, mock auditions, and the opportunity to rehearse and perform alongside members of the San Francisco Symphony.

Master Mentor Interactive Programs
STLR Entertainment presents and promotes Master Mentor interactive programs, presented by performing artists-educators to receptive, educational institutions, community, cultural, and special needs centers.